Thursday, October 19, 2006

He's.....Baaaack !!!!!

Today was a great day.

A while back I subscribed to (iow, PAID) Air America radio SPECIFICALLY to hear the most talented and intelligent liberal talk show host on the radio...Mike Malloy.

But about 6 weeks ago, the deadhead dumb@ss grey suits at AA fired Mike with no warning and in the most non-classy of manner. Since then, I have CANCELLED my membership to AA. As Mike would say..."to hell with them."

But, beginning on October 30th, Mike will be BACK on a new radio station called novamradio. Hopefully they will make the podcasts available, I would even PAY...

BUT, to help with my withdrawl symptoms, Mike is filling in for Jerry Springer today and tomorrow. If you want to know why I love this guy, check out the links to the MP3 podcasts here: Links to Mike filling in for Jerry Springer.

As Mike would say..."Watch you back..."


At Mon Nov 06, 09:57:00 PM, Blogger Vigilante said...

Mike Malloy is definitely an improvement over Springer, but I am partial to Randi Rhodes and Al Franken.


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