Wednesday, July 05, 2006

North Korea Launches 7th Missile

What the hell is going on in this world???

Are our world leaders loosing their minds???

Are we headed for some regional conflict or possibly even WWIII or heaven forbid, some kind of nuclear confrontation???

Watch out...cause Stupid Disease is spreding and it's fri@ken spooky!!!

Now everyone knows that being a madman is OK - like Saddam Hussein was, cause although he was a madman, he wasn't stupid. BUT, a stupid madman is TRULY dangerous.

We already got one moronic idiot madman running the United States. But now it seems that the Idiot has met his match in Kim Jong il in North Korea. How the hell do idiots like this get into power? I mean, I know, I know, North Korea was handed to him by his father. And in the US, it was stolen from the American people by the now proven massive voter fraud.

Let me say this, I knew that Kim Jong II was a greedy despot that couldn't give a cr@p about his own people. But, for some reason I gave him more credit that he was due...

Just as the Idiot justified by lies, his way into the illegal and immoral overthrow of a sovereign foreign government. Now we got Kim Jong il doing the same thing by somehow justifying lobbing a handful of missiles all over the creation.

And now, the leaders in the West, after crying "wolf" on Iraq, can only call it "provocative." I call it something much more serious - how about like fu@ken nuts!!!

Let me tell you, the World has got a hell of a problem with North Korea, a much MUCH bigger "problem" than it ever had or would have had with Saddam.

All I can say is that if North Korea truly does have nuclear weapons (I hope they don't), we better all pray that he doesn't get really stupid and try to "one up" Bush and Co.



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