Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Democratic Surge!!!

Pic from
L-R, Senator Inouye, Randy Iwase, Senator Akaka and wife

Senator Akaka: Glad that Senator Akaka beat back the challenge by wannabe Ed Case by over 10,000 votes. I still don't know what the he!! Case was trying to do by short circuiting the system...he just made room for some REAL democrats to take his place in the House.

Mazie Hirono: And it looks like Mazie Hirono will be taking Ed Case's seat, but, I really don't know if she was the best choice. I really liked Matt Matsunaga and Brian Shwartz instead of Mazie or Hanabusa. Oh well...we just gotta see how she will do.

Randy Iwase: YOU GOTTA BELIEVE...I Like It...Looks like I'm going to be adding a new bumper sticker next to my Akaka sticker. I really want Iwase to kick the Idiot (aka Bush) loving Linda Lingle out of the Governor's office. Linda Lingle is the reason why Hawaii residents pay the HIGHEST gas prices in the country as she was the #1 proponent AGAINST the gas cap!!! Can you believe it, because the gas cap was repealed, everbody in this State is paying 10 or 20 or 25 cents MORE per gallon. It should be obvious to all that Lingle only gives a crap about Bush's big oil companies, to hell with the residents of this State. Lingle also is NOT VERY SMART as back in 2004, I remember her praising the Idiot calling Bush the "greatest president." GIVE ME A FU@k1#g BREAK!!! I really think if all the Democrates pull toghther and vote for Iwase, we CAN take back the Governor's Office, you just gotta believe!!! Click here for Randy Iwase Website.


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