Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad:

"The main pretext for an attack on Iraq was the existence of WMDs. This was repeated incessantly - for the public to, finally, believe - and the ground set for an attack on Iraq. "

"In countries around the world, citizens provide for the expenses of governments so that their governments in turn are able to serve them. The question here is what has the hundreds of billions of dollars, spent every year to pay for the Iraqi campaign, produced for the citizens?"

No matter what you feel or think about Iran and their "nucular" intentions, many of the points raised in Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad 's letter rings clear and true. The translated text of the entire letter can be read here: A Letter to Bush.

If you judge by only what is said in the letter, you could come to the conclusion that President Ahmadinejad is much more of a scholar and diplomat than the idiot we got! :0

But of course we shouldn't expect any kind of cognizant response from the Administration as Bush only has the mental comprehsion to read 1st grade books like "My Pet Goat."

But, to be serious, the US actually has no factual rebuttal anyway, to why an elective war was brought upon the people of Iraq. It is now PROVEN by the leaked top secret Downing Street memo that Idiot and company LIED this country into an absolutely needless war in Iraq with tragic costs on all sides.

Proof: Minutes from the memo say, "Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." Holy Sh!t!!!

Let's all pray that the Democrats can take over the House of Representatives and maybe even the Senate as this will give them subpoena powers to launch the investigations that NEED to be done!

And lastly, can you believe that the Idiot still has a 31% approval rating. That means if you and 99 other people were on an obviously sinking ship, 31 would insist it was only raining. Spooky thought, no???


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