Monday, March 19, 2007

Nova M Radio - Founding Member - I Am...

Well I bit the bullet a couple of weeks ago and finally anted up the 100 clams so that I can listen to Mike Malloy again...on my terms, via podcast on my schedule...what a relief...NOBODY gives it to the filthy, corrupt, freedom hating, fear mongering, Bush dictatorship like he does!!! Nobody!!!

He's on this new progressive radio station called free and live, from 3 to 6 p.m. and unbelievably, my next favorite guy, Sam Seder was on right after him at 6, The Majority Report, on tape though. I haven't heard Sam in a while since he's on real early in the morning...good thing I worked late today.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Who Will Speak For The Trees - 1


I beleive trees, especially these kinds of BIG trees have spirit and souls...and I call this MURDER!!!!! What moron is DECIDING to cut down all these big trees around here!!!

One of the reasons I bought my camera was to DOCUMENT this...this...this rediculous WASTE!!!!!

I've noticed a LOT of perfectly content and peacful trees on the Island are being cut down in the prime of life for NO GOOD REASON.

This tree was growing here for such a LOOONG time and look what happend to it. Same for the tree below too.

What gives any person the right to decide such a fate...

Who Will Speak For The Trees - 2

Thursday, November 09, 2006


When the moon is in the Southen sky...and Jupiter aligns with Mars...

Listen to song while reading this post to get full effect...

The dust has settled and I really can't believe it. A new day really has dawned and there ARE better days ahead...

I feel as if a heavy poisonous haze is FINALLY lifting off OUR country and letting the sun shine in...Let....the sunshine....let...the sunshine....the sunshine in!!!!!

Can you believe...democracy works...albeit much too slowly for me and half this nation. It took a while but finally, at least a small portion of the other half finally educated themselves enough to understand that they were just being totally Played by the Idiot - with a capital P!!!

For a true democracy to work, you NEED an EDUCATED public. Without that, as we've experienced over the last 6 is just TOO easy to divide (with idiotic wedge issues, FEAR, calling people unpatriotic, etc. etc. etc.) and conquer an uneducated public to then be easily manipulated for their own ideology. Yes...we really need educated citizens for our democracy to work efficiently.

Who do I think we need to thank for making this victory a reality??? Well, there are a lot of people, but as far as talkshow hosts go, primarily people like the man - Mike Malloy (, Sam Seder and Jenny Garofalo and Randi Rhodes and Rachel Maddow (airamerica), Bob Kincaid and Lizz Brown (, Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and although unlikely...even the "waterboy" Pig Man (Rush Limpballs) who was very helpful in helping to get Claire McCaskill elected to the Senate, and true bigot George "Makaka" Allen for helping to get Jim Webb elected...way to go guys!!!

Btw... you gotta hear Mike's broadcast on the Day After: it is totally classic Malloy at his intellectually raging greatest!!!

And, in small part, also to smaller voices like....ahem....myself and others (u know who u are) who NEVER stopped logically raging against the Idiot and Company, and, to the tons of other bloggers like who strive to enlighten the unenlightened...WAY TO GO!!!

From illegal wars against sovereign nations, to using cluster bombs and depleted uranium, to illegal spying, to lying and deceit, to rendition and torture, to stem cells, to a woman's right to chose, to separation of church and state, to fear mongering, to secret oil meetings, to listening to the generals on the ground, to appointing totally incompetent Brownies, to hijacking the Supreme Court, etc., etc., etc.,...I SAY.....

Let...the sunshine....let...the sunshine....the SUNSHINE IN!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Will the Country Be Saved???

For the sake of our country, we gotta get these lying, cheating, stealing, dysfunctional NeoCon Republican killers and hypocrites out of office.

For the last 6 year, with control of the House, the Senate, the Judicial and the Presidential branches of government, we've gotten NOTHING but divisive, divide and conquer, fear mongering,xenophobic, record deficit, war for oil, screw the constitution, election stealing, torture and rendition loving, stem cell hating, gay bashing hypocritical politics from the Republicans.

And, as a last straw before the election, can you believe these "flip flopping" war architect Republican NeoCons??? Did you read the Vanity Fair write up??? Vanity Fair Article: "Perle goes so far as to say that, if he had his time over, he would not have advocated an invasion of Iraq".

WTF!!! After 650,000 DEAD Iraqis and almost 3,000 DEAD Americans...I think the NeoCons are looking for redemption cause they can't sleep knowing they've got blood on their hands... You know what...F#@k you guys!!! I and half this nation were against this war FROM THE START. All of us were labeled unpatriotic you guys!!!

The time has come for some congressional OVERSIGHT for the Idiot and Company...hopefully it's not to late to save the country...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

He's.....Baaaack !!!!!

Today was a great day.

A while back I subscribed to (iow, PAID) Air America radio SPECIFICALLY to hear the most talented and intelligent liberal talk show host on the radio...Mike Malloy.

But about 6 weeks ago, the deadhead dumb@ss grey suits at AA fired Mike with no warning and in the most non-classy of manner. Since then, I have CANCELLED my membership to AA. As Mike would say..."to hell with them."

But, beginning on October 30th, Mike will be BACK on a new radio station called novamradio. Hopefully they will make the podcasts available, I would even PAY...

BUT, to help with my withdrawl symptoms, Mike is filling in for Jerry Springer today and tomorrow. If you want to know why I love this guy, check out the links to the MP3 podcasts here: Links to Mike filling in for Jerry Springer.

As Mike would say..."Watch you back..."

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Democratic Surge!!!

Pic from
L-R, Senator Inouye, Randy Iwase, Senator Akaka and wife

Senator Akaka: Glad that Senator Akaka beat back the challenge by wannabe Ed Case by over 10,000 votes. I still don't know what the he!! Case was trying to do by short circuiting the system...he just made room for some REAL democrats to take his place in the House.

Mazie Hirono: And it looks like Mazie Hirono will be taking Ed Case's seat, but, I really don't know if she was the best choice. I really liked Matt Matsunaga and Brian Shwartz instead of Mazie or Hanabusa. Oh well...we just gotta see how she will do.

Randy Iwase: YOU GOTTA BELIEVE...I Like It...Looks like I'm going to be adding a new bumper sticker next to my Akaka sticker. I really want Iwase to kick the Idiot (aka Bush) loving Linda Lingle out of the Governor's office. Linda Lingle is the reason why Hawaii residents pay the HIGHEST gas prices in the country as she was the #1 proponent AGAINST the gas cap!!! Can you believe it, because the gas cap was repealed, everbody in this State is paying 10 or 20 or 25 cents MORE per gallon. It should be obvious to all that Lingle only gives a crap about Bush's big oil companies, to hell with the residents of this State. Lingle also is NOT VERY SMART as back in 2004, I remember her praising the Idiot calling Bush the "greatest president." GIVE ME A FU@k1#g BREAK!!! I really think if all the Democrates pull toghther and vote for Iwase, we CAN take back the Governor's Office, you just gotta believe!!! Click here for Randy Iwase Website.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Debate Results...

Here's my take:

Pre debate hype: Ed Case, being younger and an attorney will dominate over the kupuna and ex-teacher Daniel Akaka.

Post debate analysis:
Ed Case, well spoken but nowhere near as eloquent as I envisioned, and with a Bush like "stay the course" plan for Iraq.

Daniel Akaka, well spoken and one of the very few on Capitol Hill with enough vision, experience and BALLS to not approve The Idiot's plan to invade Iraq when there was no probable cause.

Winner: SENATOR AKAKA by a couple bike lengths!!!
And I just don't understand why Case decided to "cut in line" and try to disrupt the obvious transition plan of Neil Abecrombie then him to the US Senate. As in life, sometimes you just gotta be patient and wait your turn! Ever had the experience of patiently waiting in line and someone thinks their better than everyone else and decides to snake to the front???

Ttytt, I think it's going to be Akaka by a landslide as during my recent trip to Maui, there were TONS of Akaka signs and stickers all over the place, especially in Wailuku. Here is just one of the many.